AIBA Basketball Summer Camp

Basketball Majesty

Are you aspiring to be the next basketball star?
Champions of tomorrow are nurtured here!
Secure your spot - register now!
AIBA is a private boarding academy providing an all-around learning experience for the next generation of female basketball masters.
We are passionate about creating an institutional environment that enables outstanding performances of our students, nurtures their talents, and enriches their skills.

Alina Adomaitytė
Founder & President

Unique Talent Development
At AIBA we are proud to offer a unique talent development experience, enabling exceptional sports results and a holistic approach to the personal development of female students.


Junior High to High-School
We are the only basketball academy in Lithuania to offer an integrated sports and academic program. We have formed a special sports class (6-12 grades) at Druskininkai “Atminties” high-school for our students, offering flexible schedule and personal supervision for each player. Students at AIBA are required not only to participate and perform well at the basketball court, but also show excellent academic performance.

Talent Development

Young Talent Development Program
The basketball program is the only sports program in Lithuania created for the multifaceted development of players. The basketball program, in which girls participate until they turn 18, aims to harmoniously reveal the highest potential of each player and ensure career opportunities in the basketball industry.
Special attention goes to physical and personal education
Based on NBA standards, each player trains according to an individual sports program. Using the most modern physical training and research technologies across Europe, the coaches will guarantee safe and stable progress for the girls.

Expert team

Thomaž Brinec
Head strength & conditioning coach
with Tomaž Brinec

Monitoring changes change in rehabilitation

Management of muscle tone

Profiling the training load response

Understanding intervention strength
with Tomaz Brinec

of muscle tone

change in rehabilitation

the training load response

intervention strength

AIBA is a private boarding academy providing an all-around fully funded learning experience for the next generation of female basketball masters.
We are passionate about creating an institutional environment that enables outstanding performances of our students, nurtures their talents, and enriches their skills.
Alina Adomaitytė
Founder & President


Unique Talent Development
At AIBA we are proud to offer a unique talent development experience, enabling exceptional sports results and a holistic approach to the personal development of female students.

Integrated basketball and academic program (6-12 klasės) Druskininkuose
We are the only basketball academy in Lithuania to offer an integrated sports and academic program. We have formed a special sports class (6-12 grades) at Druskininkai “Atminties” high-school for our students, offering flexible schedule and personal supervision for each player. Students at AIBA are required not only to participate and perform well at the basketball court, but also show excellent academic performance.
Talent Development

Young Talent Development Program
The basketball program is the only sports program in Lithuania created for the multifaceted development of players.
The basketball program, in which girls participate until they turn 18, aims to harmoniously reveal the highest potential of each player and ensure career opportunities in the basketball industry.

Special attention goes to physical and personal education
Based on NBA standards, each player trains according to an individual sports program. Using the most modern physical training and research technologies across Europe, the coaches will guarantee safe and stable progress for the girls.
Thomaž Brinec
Head strength & conditioning coach

with Tomaž Brinec

Management of muscle tone

Monitoring change in rehabilitation

Profiling the training load response

Understanding intervention strength



Individual learning process
At AIBA we are committed to a holistic approach to the individual learning process. Our students are personally supervised by the assigned tutor, who tracks girls’ academic and personal development.
Healthy mental growth
Additionally, a specialist is working with each player and the team, to ensure healthy, mental growth. Once a week, players have a motivational interview, during which their well-being, expectations, and personal challenges are discussed.


Individual learning process
At AIBA we are committed to a holistic approach to the individual learning process. Our students are personally supervised by the assigned tutor, who tracks girls’ academic and personal development.

Healthy mental growth
Additionally, a specialist is working with each player and the team, to ensure healthy, mental growth. Once a week, players have a motivational interview, during which their well-being, expectations, and personal challenges are discussed.

AIBA is open to business and individual partners wishing to support the future of basketball
Join us by Supporting


AIBA is open to business and individual partners wishing to support the future of basketball
Join us by Supporting


Do you see your future at AIBA?
Send us an email and AIBA representative
will get back to you shortly.